loota hua example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest लूटा हुआ loota hua news and headlines :
1. देशी पिस्टल और कारतूस बरामद.... - पुलिस ने इनके पास से एक देशी पिस्टल, छह जिंदा कारतूस 7.65 एमएम, 8000 रुपए लूटा हुआ और तीन मोबाइल फोन बरामद किया है bhaskar.com2. दंगाइयों ने लूटा हुआ माल खाली प्लाट में छोड़ा LiveHindustan

Given are the examples of hindi word loota hua usage in english sentences. The examples of loota hua are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., ransacked, plundered, pillaged, looted.

In the midst of this economic and political crisis, the ruler of Iran, Nadir Shah, sacked and plundered the city of Delhi in 1739 and took away immense amounts of wealth.

Following this, a group of them forced their way into the house, smashed its elegant windowpanes, furniture, porcelain … another group broke into the storehouse and plundered it of supplies of cloth which they tore to shreds … The contractor fled with his family to a neighbouring village which, however, refused to shelter such a person.
संबंधित शब्द लूटा हुआ के पर्यायवाची लूटा हुआ के विपरीत शब्द